Saturday, July 7, 2012

U.N. Gun Confiscation: An Attack on American Liberty

Hello America,

The United Nations wants your guns. Obama answers to the U.N. more than to the Constitution. A lot of Americans have been lulled into the belief that gun control is a good thing, but the only thing it achieves is the disarmament of honest Americans. Criminals don't obey gun laws, only law-abiding citizens do. A gangbanger will get his piece one way or another, whether illegal or not.

Gun control disarms citizens who can defend themselves better than the police can! When you call 911, it's usually after the fact. They arrive maybe 8 minutes later, and by then the criminal is gone. Gun ownership by responsible citizens could be a valuable deterrent to violent crime. If you're a robber, would you rather try robbing someone with or without a gun? The answer is obvious. This is the same principle our government, along with the U.N. is working towards.

We've seen it happen during the Katrina Disaster:

A recent Forbes article reports on the NEW agreement being brokered by the United Nations that would mean the immediate banning of all semi-automatic weapons and effectively setting the precedent for full-on gun confiscation here in America. It's all out in the open and with Fast & Furious as the false flag pretext. The Feds work with the cartels to smuggle in the drugs and weapons, then gun laws are passed on the basis that licensed guns are ending up in criminals' hands.

Here is a U.S. State Department document detailing the plan for global gun confiscation that has been the main goal of the global elite for decades. Eventually, even our armed forces and police will be disarmed, leaving the U.N. as the sole global military force. Don't you feel we should have at least a vote on this? How can an international organization govern our country? Are you comfortable with the elimination of our national sovereignty? 

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